
This is an old revision of the document!

EgoWeb 2.0: Free, Open-Source Software for Social Network Data Collection

Developed by an open source software collaboration network in collaboration with the UCLA RISE-UP study, the University of Florida Survey Research Center, and the Indiana University Network Science Institute.

NOTE: Refer to New Multi-Name Generator page for recent changes to EgoWeb 2.0 authoring. The remaining instructions for authoring will be updated over time. Most of the instructions are the same except for changes noted in the link above.

This wiki is designed to provide the users of EgoWeb 2.0 with documentation for installation, troubleshooting, and tips on using. The documentation here is always being updated and improved. Be in touch if you are looking for help and do not see a document that resolves your issue. General questions about the EgoWeb 2.0 project can be directed to David P. Kennedy.

If you are looking to download EgoWeb 2.0, it is available at the EgoWeb 2.0 Github Site. The “master” branch is the most bug-free branch and can be directly downloaded here. The “dev” branch, which has the most current code but also has not been extensively tested, can be directly downloaded here.

If you see something that needs better documentation, please register and start editing! This is intended to be a collaborative project.


EgoWeb 2.0 is easy to use and flexible open source software for the collection of social network data in surveys and interviews. EgoWeb 2.0 facilitates egocentric as well as cognitive and whole network data collection.

EgoWeb 2.0 has been used in studies of homelessness, HIV risk, public housing policy, substance use, low income newlywed marriage, charter schools, etc. It is intended to be used by social network researchers as well as researchers who are not social network experts. Many researchers have used EgoWeb 2.0 to add network components to their existing work. It is especially useful for applied social network projects.

EgoWeb 2.0 facilitates data collection and basic data processing and allows for data to be exported into a number of other social network analysis programs. Recently a package for analyzing egocentric networks in R called egonetR added an EgoWeb 2.0 import function. EgoWeb 2.0 also presents visualizations during interviews to facilitate mixed qualitative and quantitative social network research designs.This feature can be used in mixed-methods social network data collection designs and is also being used as an intervention tool.

EgoWeb 2.0 is the result of an ongoing collaborative effort by non-profit research centers and universities to conduct social network analyses and present the data visually during interviews. Refer to the History of Support and Funding page for more information about the development of EgoWeb 2.0.

How to cite EgoWeb 2.0:

EgoWeb 2.0, computer software,

  • egoweb_2.0_home.1522533161.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/03/31 15:52
  • by wikimain